TilemapSettings (Editor only)

Settings object that gets stored in ProjectRoot/UserSettings. Save serialization is called when switching away from an active tilemap.
Values are mainly modified by package interfaces but can be freely set for extensions as well.


Type Name Usage
int Index Active index of the cursor (zero is empty)
int Variant Active sub index of the cursor
int Rotation Active rotation of the cursor (0-3)
TileFlags Flags Active flags of the cursor
bool ShowGrid Shows or hides the grid
int GridLayer Active working layer of the grid
int GridAxis Display axis of the grid (0=x 1=y 2=z)
float3 GridSize Size of a single cell. Should match the provided tile mesh size
bool PreviewMode Toggles between shape and textured preview
int Randomizer Tile placing setting (0=none 1=variant 2=rotation 3=both)
float ExplorerTileSize Display size of tiles in the explorer (should be set via slider)
Action OnTilePick Subscribe to recive a change notification once a tile is picked
List<System.Type> Modules List of registered modules
GUIContent[] FlagContent List of registered flag buttons
Material PreviewMaterial Single instance to ("Hidden/TilePreview")


Name Usage
SaveSettings() Save current settings to file
SyncToMap(Tilemap3D map) Limit ranges to current tilemap
GetAxis() Get axis order from settings as int3
RegisterModule<iTilemapModule>() Register a module to show in the module menu
RegisterFlagContent(GUIContent content, int id) Register a custom flag (0 and 1 are used by autotiling)
SettingsFromTile(TilemapData.Tile tile) Copy the tile data to settings and call OnTilePick