Struct holding the tilemap data inside a one dimensional int array. The array can be accessed via a set of methods.
Type | Name | Usage |
int | Width | Width of the volume |
int | Height | Height of the volume |
int | Depth | Depth of the volume |
int3 | Size | Width height and depth of the volume |
int | Length | Length of the data array |
TileMapData.Tile | this[int, int, int] | Indexer to data from coordinate tripplet |
TileMapData.Tile | this[int3] | Indexer to data from int3 |
TileMapData.Tile | this[int] | Indexer directly to raw data array |
Name | Usage |
TilemapData(int width, int height, int depth) | Constructor |
GetIndex(int x, int y, int z) | Convert position to array index |
InRange(int x, int y, int z) | Check if position is inside volume |
InRange(int index) | Check if index is inside data array |
Resize(int width, int height, int depth) | Resize the data volume while maintaining content |
Helper struct to convert stored integer into four bytes.
Type | Name | Usage |
byte | id | Index of the tile data. Zero index means empty tile |
byte | variant | Subvariant of the given index |
byte | rotation | Rotation between 0-3 |
byte | flags | Aditional bitflags stored inside a byte |
Name | Usage |
GetFlags() | Get flags as TileFlags bit mask |
HasFlag(TileFlags flag) | Check if the tile has the given flag. Returns bool |
GetRotation() | Get rotation as a quaternion |
Static extension methods for TilemapData.
Static Methods
Name | Usage |
CopyData(this TilemapData target, TilemapData source, int3 pos) | Copy data from source to target starting at the set position |
ClearArea(this TilemapData data, int3 pos, int3 size) | Clear all data in the given area |
Clear(this TilemapData data) | Clear the whole TilemapData array |