
Struct holding the tilemap data inside a one dimensional int array. The array can be accessed via a set of methods.


Type Name Usage
int Width Width of the volume
int Height Height of the volume
int Depth Depth of the volume
int3 Size Width height and depth of the volume
int Length Length of the data array
TileMapData.Tile this[int, int, int] Indexer to data from coordinate tripplet
TileMapData.Tile this[int3] Indexer to data from int3
TileMapData.Tile this[int] Indexer directly to raw data array


Name Usage
TilemapData(int width, int height, int depth) Constructor
GetIndex(int x, int y, int z) Convert position to array index
InRange(int x, int y, int z) Check if position is inside volume
InRange(int index) Check if index is inside data array
Resize(int width, int height, int depth) Resize the data volume while maintaining content


Helper struct to convert stored integer into four bytes.


Type Name Usage
byte id Index of the tile data. Zero index means empty tile
byte variant Subvariant of the given index
byte rotation Rotation between 0-3
byte flags Aditional bitflags stored inside a byte


Name Usage
GetFlags() Get flags as TileFlags bit mask
HasFlag(TileFlags flag) Check if the tile has the given flag. Returns bool
GetRotation() Get rotation as a quaternion


Static extension methods for TilemapData.

Static Methods

Name Usage
CopyData(this TilemapData target, TilemapData source, int3 pos) Copy data from source to target starting at the set position
ClearArea(this TilemapData data, int3 pos, int3 size) Clear all data in the given area
Clear(this TilemapData data) Clear the whole TilemapData array