
Main component for tilemap generation. Use Data modification in combination with one of the bake methods to update the map.


Type Name Usage
TilePalette Palette Tile palette stored in the map
TileMapData Data Map data. Read and write to it to modify the map
float3 GridSize Size of a single cell. Should match the provided tile mesh size
int Width Getter to Data.Width
int Height Getter to Data.Height
int Depth Getter to Data.Depth
int3 Size Getter to Data.Size
int Length Getter to Data.Length
Box3D Area Local bounds of the map
TileMapData.Tile this[int3] Indexer to Data[int3]
ITilemapModule Modules Current list of tilemap modules in children


Name Usage
BakeDynamic(Box3D area) Rebake dynamic module content within area
BakeDynamic() Rebake dynamic module content for the whole map
Bake() Bake static module content for the whole map
RefreshModules() Force update to module list


Static extension methods for Tilemap3D.

Static Methods

Name Usage
GetLayerPlane(int axis, int layer) Calculate a local space plane on the given axis (0x-1y-2z) for the given layer
RaycastLayer(this Tilemap3D map, Ray ray, Plane plane, out int3 hit) Raycast a local space plane. Input ray is in worldspace and will be transformed into grid space. Returns false if hit is outside bounds
GridToWorld(this Tilemap3D map, int3 position, float3 pivot) Returns the map position at the given pivot (0-1 range) in world coordinates
GridToWorld(this Tilemap3D map, int3 position) Returns the map position in world coordinates
GridToLocal(this Tilemap3D map, int3 position, float3 pivot) Returns the map position at the given pivot (0-1 range) in local coordinates
GridToLocal(this Tilemap3D map, int3 position) Returns the map position in local coordinates
WorldToGrid(this Tilemap3D map, float3 position) Returns the map grid position at given world position (this includes out of bounds)
ReconstructPosition(this Tilemap3D map, int index) Converts index into xyz coordinate
InBounds(this Tilemap3D map, int3 position) Checks if the given grid coordinates are in bounds
PostProcessTiles(this Tilemap3D map, Box3D area) Post processes area and it's neighbours. Returns the area containing it's neighbours