
Class for holding BaseTile data inside an array. Maximum amout of tiles is 255 since the zero id is reserved for empty tiles.
Generally I will not reccomend messing with the array to much but you might need to if you plan to implement a runtime editor.


Type Name Usage
BaseTile this[int] Indexer to BaseTile array
int Count How many active tiles are inside the array


Name Usage
TilePalette() Constructor
TilePalette(BaseTile[] entries) Special constructor creating the palette from a collection (recommended for runtime setup)
Insert(BaseTile tile, int position, ref TilemapData data) Insert tile at position. Fixes map data to match changes. Returns true if rebuild is necessary
Replace(BaseTile tile, int position) Replace tile at position. Returns true if rebuild is necessary
Delete(int position, ref TilemapData data) Delete index at position. Fixes map data to match changes. Returns true if rebuild is necessary
GetTile(int id) Get tile at id point. Will ignore zero ids since they represent empty spaces