
Class describing a tile using multiple variants to create borders.


Type Name Usage
TileInfoMask[] Variants Collection of sub tiles using TileMasks
int Length Sub tile count
bool EightBitMask Does the algorithm use eight or four directions
bool NoBorder Merges tiles with the border
bool Orientation2D Is the algorithm processing the XY layer instead of XZ
bool Isloate Ignore tile flags and never merge to other tiles

Inherited Properties

Type Name Usage
Material Material Shared material of all tile meshes
int CollisionLayer Layer generated colliders are put on
int NavigationArea Area for NavMesh generation
TileInfo this[int] Indexer to GetInfo()
Vector2 PreviewOrientation Orientation of generated previews
Quatenrion PreviewRotation PreviewOrientation as Quaternion


Name Usage
GetInfo(int index) Get sub tile at sub tile index
GetTilePreview(int index) Always returns first variant
PostProcessTile(TilemapData data, int3 pos) Fix data via auto tiling algorithm